
24 04 2011

Yes, Carlingisms…. it’s going to be in Websters…. tell your friends.

So, what is a Carlingism?… It’s the name that my friends and I have given to certain made-up words, way of talking, or even a way of responding to something that are a symptom of growing up in my family.


Root Beer = Boot Rear

Asparagus = Aspergrass

In some cases it just saying something with a certain accent or emphasis…. like the Kennedy’s. In other situations it’s responding to a repeated situation with the same cheesy joke…. like we can’t stop ourselves…. we have to say it. For instance: If someone is blocking the TV you must say “You’re a pain, but I can’t see through you!”

There are many others…. I could go on for days, but you get the idea.

So feel free to use the word as frequently as possible….

It’s going to be a thing.



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